Pixie & Bo

Name: Pixie & Bo
Breed: Lop
Age: 6
Location: Dorset
Gender: Female
MGAR Reference: 50027
Pixie and Bo
Introducing beautiful mother and daughter, Pixie and Bo, who have the most loving, family bond. This gorgeous 4 and 2-year-old duo are at their happiest when hopping around their enclosure, and we often see them enjoying the sunshine together outside. For this reason, we feel they would benefit from living in a home with a large outdoor space, with plenty of room for them to explore and sunbathe in the warmer months.

Since being in our care, Pixie and Bo have discovered their love of digging. It is a real joy for us to see them loving life so much, although sometimes they can tend to dig a little bit more than we would prefer them to. Due to this hobby, it would be important for this cheeky pair to find a home that’s well-secured, to ensure the ladies remain safe and their enclosure will not give way to their tunnelling adventures.

Their previous owners were able to tell us that Pixie and Bo haven’t had the most positive experience with dogs in the past, so to ensure they feel safe and ‘hoppy’ in their new home, we believe that they would be best-suited to a dog-free home. We have noticed that the girls love to investigate and see what we are getting up to when we’re working in their enclosure. They often like to come over and say hello and be a part of the action, which sometimes ends up with them sitting on our feet, which we think is adorable!

Pixie and Bo would be so grateful to meet new owners who have lots of love to give, and we believe they would flourish in a home that has plenty of enrichment for them to have fun with.
If you would like to know more about the girls and their rehoming needs, please get in touch as we would be delighted to tell you more about this ‘pawsome’ pair.
You can find me in Dorset
Tel: 0330 400 6670 Email: