Margaret Green Day (Everywhere)

Claire TiceWe would like to invite you to take part in a very special and exciting fundraising event. Margaret Green Day will be held on the 20th of May, which would have been the late Margaret Green’s birthday.

We launched this event last year to mark our 50th anniversary and as we had a very successful day of fundraising we now wish to make this an annual event. 

We would like to invite local businesses and schools to participate on this day by wearing something green for Margaret Green all day. You could decide on a small donation such as £1 and encourage your colleagues/pupils to donate.

It doesn’t stop there, if you would like to go all out on the day why not wear an animal onesie or arrange a cake sale, quiz or raffle! Schools and businesses will be taking part at the same time, so please join us on the 20th of May and let’s get #AllTogetherForAnimals

Please contact Jazmin or Kate to request a fundraising pack on 01929 477074 or email



Donate Now

Thank you to everyone listed here who has already signed up to support Margaret Green Day! If you want to see your name here, contact Jazmin today! 

Co Op Crossways - Join the team between the 16th and 20th May when they are hosting a bring & buy book sale, and raffle, and you can also drop off your pet food donations! 

Swanage School - Pupils and staff alike are wearing green for Margaret Green. Hooray!

Corfe Castle Primary School - Our thanks to the whole school who are wearing green for Margaret Green and bringing in a £1 each! 

Bournemouth Collegiate Prep School - Pupils are taking part in a 'Well Groomed Day' in aid of the rescue animals. What fun! 

Abbeyfield Wessex - thank you to Jilly and the team who are organising a collection on the day.

Margaret Green Day Poster

Help us promote this event.

Download a poster to display!